I'm not a very squeamish person...not too much grosses me out. But tonight's class showed me that fish guts really gross me out. Fish are actually a lot bloodier than I thought. I don't think I'll be
fileting my own fish or eating any fish roe anytime soon...
I'm not going to bore you with any of the info we learned on how to tell if a fish is fresh...I think we all know they're not supposed to smell fish-y or have cloudy eyes. So I'll leave it at that. There are two primary structures of fish: round fish and flat fish. We
fileted one of each so we could get an understanding of how to do each type. The
fileting took a good 30 minutes.
We wore gloves while we cut the fish, which only slightly cut back the slime factor. For our round fish, we used a farm-raised stripped bass that luckily had already been scaled and gutted. Cutting fish involves long confident knife strokes (which meant I was in trouble!). The first step is to remove all the fins from the fish with kitchen shears. I was shocked at how strongly the fins are attached and how much pressure you had to put on the shears to cut through them. We then switched to our
filet knife, which has a slightly flexible blade. With the spine closer to us on the cutting board, we made a cut along the backbone from the head to the tail. This cut should be just above the backbone and you should hear the knife against the backbone so that you're certain you're getting as much fish as possible on your
filet. In the next step, we carefully made knife strokes along the rib bones to cut away the
filet from the length of the fish. We switched back to the shears and cut away the ribs and viola
filet number one. Then we cut off the head and flipped the fish over to remove the other side. We cut off the belly as well because this is too fatty to eat. After we had removed both
filets, we skinned the fish. To do this, we put the
filet parallel to us on the board and made a small cut on one side to begin the removal and make a little handle on the fish skin. We then held this skin handle with a towel and with the
filet knife parallel to the cutting board we removed the skin without removing too much of the fish meat with it. I was actually shocked that I did this very well and ended up with an almost perfect looking fish
filet (I say almost because I had a small knife slip when I was removing the fish from the backbone that resulted in a small puncture in the middle of my
Okay, so then we moved onto our flat fish, a flounder, that was neither scaled or gutted. Flat fish are usually the slimiest because of that whole bottom feeder thing. We started the same way by removing the fins. Since this fish hadn't been gutted, we had to do this. To start, we made a diagonal cut on one side of the head and then we wiggled the head so that we could pull the guts off with it. Gross and wicked
slimey. Now for the grosser part...we had to remove the egg sack. Ours was ridiculously large and an orange
playdough color. My partner and I had made a deal that one of us would remove the guts and the other would remove the eggs. I was stuck with the egg sack, which is a good way to phrase it because these things are really in there and hard to remove. After I pulled on the stupid thing really hard, it finally came out and some ended up on my chef coat...yum. So flat fish yield four
filets, two on the top and two from the bottom of the fish. On flat fish, there is a natural line along the backbone and we made our first cut down this line and similar to the round fish we then cut the
filet away from the backbone staying as close to it as possible. Then we removed the skin in the same way as well. Phew...I was glad this part was over. But I'm not going to lie, after this, the last thing I wanted to eat for dinner was fish!
With the fish bones and head, we made a fish
fumet (stock). To make the
fumet, we
sweated onion and leek with butter and then added the bones and head (all of which we rinsed off
ALOT!) and bouquet
garni. This was covered with some water and a little white wine and simmered for 45 minutes.
We cooked our round fish first. The method we used for this fish was en
papillote, which is in parchment, and the fish is cooked by trapping steam in the parchment along with the fish and other aromatics. For this dish, we started by making a tomato fondue (
see class 2) and mushroom
duxelles. The mushrooms were finely diced and then cooked with diced scallions in butter with thyme and a squeeze of lemon juice. We also julienned carrots, leeks, and celery and then blanched these. We rounded the edges of a piece of parchment and folded it in half. on the edge of this fold, we laid down a little of the tomato fondue and next to that a bit of the mushrooms. On top of this, we put the fish with a splash of white wine and thyme and then we put some of the carrots, leeks, and celery. We then folded the other half over the fish and sealed the edges with egg white. Then we folded the edges over on themselves until the package looked like a
calzone and brushed the edges again with some egg white. The top of the parchment was then brushed with olive oil so that the cooking process would give the parchment a nice brown color. This went in the oven for about ten minutes. My partner's
papillote lost its steam and didn't puff up because she missed a spot with the egg white. Mine puffed up well (b/c I was a little obsessive with the egg white brushing). The fish came out wonderfully with an excellent texture that was nice and
flakey. The tomato, mushroom, veggies, wine and thyme flavors were infused into the fish via the steam cooking. I was shocked how much I liked this (especially after the
fileting debacle).
Now for the flat fish...We cooked this
bonne femme, which is literally "in the style of the good wife". Well one things for sure...if this is what is expected of a good french wife, I'd make for one horrendous spouse. In a small
sautoir, we cooked sliced mushrooms and shallots in butter. We then took the flounder and rolled it up and seasoned it. We then put this on top of the mushrooms and poured in some of the
fumet and white wine up to about 3/4 of the height of the fish. And covered this with a lid, essentially poaching the fish in its sauce. Unfortunately, our fish fell apart in the poaching process so we were left with tiny little nuggets of fish. When the fish was cooked we did our best to remove this pieces from the pan. Then, we added some cream to the sauce and kicked the heat back up to high to reduce the sauce. Once that was reduced we added even more cream (this time whipped cream). We plated the fish with some of this sauce, and then put it under the broiler to brown. I wasn't a fan of this ludicrously creamy dish. It was a little too much cream for me and I suppose the fact that our pieces of fish were virtually non-existent didn't help!
Well...I survived fish part 1, so hopefully for the second fish class I'll be a little more gutsy.